Zmajeva kugla: Dvorac demona 1987

Animation Action Adventure Family Fantasy Sci-Fi

Goku and Krillin want to be trained in the martial arts by the great Master Roshi. The only way he will agree to train them is if they go to Devil's Castle to find the Sleeping Princess, who is being held prisoner by Count Lucifer, and bring her back to his island.

All Titles
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  • AR: Dragon Ball: La bella durmiente Dragon Ball: La bella durmiente
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  • CL: Dragon Ball: La Princesa Durminete en el Castillo Embrujado Dragon Ball: La Princesa Durminete en el Castillo Embrujado
  • FR: Dragon Ball 2: Le château du démon Dragon Ball 2: Le château du démon
  • FR: Dragon Ball: Le château du démon Dragon Ball: Le château du démon
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  • HU: Dragon Ball 2: Alvó hercegnő az Ördög kastélyában Dragon Ball 2: Alvó hercegnő az Ördög kastélyában
  • IT: Dragon Ball: La bella addormentata nel castello dei misteri Dragon Ball: La bella addormentata nel castello dei misteri
  • JP: Dragon Ball Movie 2: Majinjou no Nemuri-hime Dragon Ball Movie 2: Majinjou no Nemuri-hime
  • PT: Dragon Ball: O Castelo Fantástico Dragon Ball: O Castelo Fantástico
  • JP: Драконий жемчуг 2: Спящая принцесса в замке дьявола Драконий жемчуг 2: Спящая принцесса в замке дьявола
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  • ES: Dragon Ball: La Princesa Durmiente del Castillo del Demonio Dragon Ball: La Princesa Durmiente del Castillo del Demonio
  • UA: Dragon Ball: Sleeping Beauty in Devil Castle Dragon Ball: Sleeping Beauty in Devil Castle
  • US: Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle
  • JP: Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle
Released 18 Jul 1987
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